Makabayani Georgia, Inc. (MGI) was established on May 12, 2008 to empower Filipino-American Georgians and friends, to make a difference in their communities, in the Philippines, and elsewhere in he world.

All contributions to MGI are tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code as a Public Charity entity with 501 (C) (3) tax exempt status. MGI’s charitable and fund-raising activities are focused on the following;

  • Disaster response
  • Education and human development
  • Community development

The Philippines, because of its geographical make up and being part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, for centuries is hit by hurricanes and tropical storms at least 25 times a year and occasional devastating earthquakes. The strongest and most devastating of all was super-storm “Haiyan” in 2013 where 6,300 Filipinos died and hundreds of thousands of families were rendered homeless. MGI raised $75,000 in one month and this was used to repair a local hospital in Tacloban City, Leyte Province, provided livelihood program to 23 families, installed water filtration systems in 3 local schools and distributed rice and staples to thousands of families.

The latest US Census estimates there are about 40,000 Filipino Americans in Georgia coming from diverse demographics and walks of life, including professional doctors and engineers, nurses, teachers, artists, care givers and hospitality workers, among others. Most of these successful Filipino Americans feel compelled to share their new found blessings in the Philippines and in their local communities in the USA. It is a great feeling.

Through MGI’s annual “Sharing is Caring Grants Award Program”, it brings together everyone, “the givers and the doers” in the community, sharing the same passion to help. This program gives funding to ten (10) eligible Filipino American groups or organizations in Georgia with the most interesting project reflecting the goals and ideals of Makabayan Georgia, Inc. The same program empowers these local organizations to help local communities here in Metro-Atlanta against domestic abuse, annual “Feed the Hungry” programs and medical and health fairs for many Georgia residents. MGI also brings together these local organizations every election cycle to promote civic activities like voter registration and going out to vote.

The “Makabayan” by definition, means patriotic. MGI inspires all Filipino Georgians in preserving and promoting their Philippine heritage in our youth. One thing that brings all Filipino Americans is the celebration of the commemoration of Philippine Independence from Spanish rule on June 12th of each year. MGI supports the annual “Kalayaan Atlanta” dinner gala on June 12th to showcase the Philippine culture and heritage, thereby providing prospective supporters a better perspective of where their contributions go.  There are 30 Filipino-American community organizations in Georgia, representing about 40,000 Filipino-Americans and about 600 attend the annual dinner gala on June 12.